Thank you for visiting my blog, it really means the world to me that you are intrested to read about me.
I'm 20 years old, currently living in the heart of Belgium, Brussels(but that is going to change soon hihi). I have a weakness for everything fashion and beauty related and when I'm bored I just tend to browse the internet looking for the newest trends.
My studies take a huge part in my life and I feel I have no other things to do than study, work, work and work. So I decided to start a blog. Of course I wanted to do something that is unique, something that no one else is doing. And after months of thinking it came to me, paint the things I love! My studies forced me to stop following painting classes, so I hope this blog will subsitute that. I love being creative, but I feel that expectations from other people stand in the way of my dreams.
I hope I can blog on forever and most important that blogging can color my gray life.
Love D.
BTW: If you have any ideas or you want to be a guestblogger mail me! generation.eden@gmail.com
I would love to hear your ideas!!!